How Alexa Imwalle Transformed Her Tutoring Business with Jumpstart, the Insider Secrets Club 3.0, and the Reading Interventionist Course by Joanne Kaminski
Dec 21, 2024How Alexa Imwalle Transformed Her Tutoring Business with Joanne’s Guidance (keyword Reading Interventionist Course by Joanne Kaminski)
Imagine finding yourself suddenly out of a job, with newborn twins, and a new home to manage.
Sounds overwhelming, right?
That’s exactly where Alexa Imwalle found herself six years ago.
She had always thought she’d be teaching in the school system forever, but life had other plans.
Her story of turning things around is pretty amazing, thanks to a lot of hard work, a supportive community, and Joanne’s guidance.
Starting a New Journey
Alexa never imagined she'd be forced to leave her teaching job.
"I always thought teaching in the school system would be my lifelong occupation, but I found myself without a job and in a very scary position," she says.
She had a Master's degree in Literacy and some tutoring experience but didn’t know how to start an online business.
During her search for help online, Alexa came across Joanne’s program. "I found Joanne while searching for a program that could help me learn how to teach reading online.
The Reading Interventionist course by Joanne Kaminski gave me all the knowledge I needed to effectively reach struggling readers in the online space," she explains.
Alexa shares more of her experience with teaching reading online here.
Building a Foundation with the Reading Interventionist Course by Joanne Kaminski
Taking Joanne's Reading Interventionist course was just the beginning.
Alexa soon joined Joanne's Insider Secrets Club, which became her lifeline.
"Joanne's community gave me a home where I fostered friendships, networked with other tutors, and learned so much more than I ever thought I would about building a successful online business."
Facing Challenges with Support and Growth
Moving from a structured school environment to working from home presented its challenges.
Balancing her new role as a mom with professional goals was tough.
But Joanne’s community offered the support Alexa needed.
"After being used to having other teachers to run ideas by or collaborate with in the school system, I found it really challenging to work for myself from home," she admits.
Turning Struggles into Triumphs
With Joanne's one-on-one coaching and the community's support, Alexa’s business took off.
"I went from making $1k per month to making $13k monthly!
Even better, I have been able to help countless students become successful, confident readers," she shares proudly.
Cracking the SEO Code
One big challenge for Alexa was figuring out SEO and building an online presence.
"I had no idea what SEO was, how to build an online presence, and get students from around the world," she says.
SEO can be tricky at first, but with Joanne’s help, Alexa focused on a few key metrics and started seeing results.
Today Joanne brings tutors through this process in a year so they can have a fully optimized website.
To learn more about creating an online presence, click here.
Keys to Success: Knowledge, Community, and Grit
Alexa’s success comes down to a few key things:
- Comprehensive Knowledge: Joanne’s courses gave her the skills to teach reading online effectively.
- Supportive Community: The Insider Secrets Club was a great place for networking, collaboration, and learning.
- Personal Coaching: Joanne’s one-on-one coaching sessions were essential for overcoming challenges and planning growth.
- Perseverance and Investment: Alexa invested time and resources into her business and personal growth, which was crucial.
Heartfelt Gratitude
"Joanne is a blessing," Alexa reflects.
"She knows so much about teaching reading online and building a sustainable, profitable business.
She truly cares for everyone in her community and is dedicated to helping tutors change the world of education.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Joanne!"
Want to learn how to get students for your tutoring business?
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