As a classroom teacher in a past life, I remember what it was like to live paycheck to paycheck. It wasn’t fun. I felt like I gave and gave and gave, but I didn’t really get anything back. I worked long hours and took extra classes to learn everything I could to help me become a better teacher so that I could seriously help my students learn. I always felt that if I expanded my knowledge it would help them more in the end. But what if I wasn’t the problem? What if the problem was the way our education system is set up? I found evidence to prove this as I have become an online tutor.
As an online tutor, I can meet each of my students individual needs one at a time. I have the resources available to me right at my fingertips on the computer and my students are getting massive results. In fact, I have found a way to close the reading gap a full year with just 8-12 hours of instruction. Thank goodness all the education I kept investing in has finally paid off. It certainly didn’t pay off in the classroom because there were so many different needs and only one teacher. But when you change the situation and have one on one instruction, closing the gap for students gets much, much easier.
I am so proud to be a tutor that gets to impact kids all over the world. It is such s fulfilling feeling to leave each session knowing that each child is able to take information from our time together and apply it. I often have kids tell me that they are so excited about what they have learned that they tell their teacher in their their class or teach it to another student. My impact goes further than I could ever have imagined that it could.
On top of that, the parents that I get the opportunity to work with are so much different than the parents in the school system. Parents at school can come off as knowing everything or knowing nothing depending on their finances. However, when parents contact you about getting tutoring for their child, they drop this persona and are really looking for help because they are also frustrated with the school system. They want someone who can get results for their child and if you can be understanding to that need and focus on the child instead of yourself, then you will have a very successful online tutoring business.
Today as an online tutor I get to put the child first. It feels good for me, it feels good for the parent, and it feels good to the child. Life is awesome and I can’t imagine doing anything else, except helping other teachers find this same freedom for themselves.
So are you wondering what you should charge? Well, the answer is simple. What do you think that you are worth? I challenge you to add $10 more to that price, because I know that you are worth even more.
Today I charge $75 an hour, but I started off at $40. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to pay that for tutoring, but they did. Each time I became booked solid I raised my confidence and with that my prices. Not because of greed, but because I know what I am worth.
Want to learn how to get students for your tutoring business?
Download 50 + Ways to Get Online Tutoring Students.