Debunking the Myth: You Need to Have a Large Audience Before You Can Start Creating Content

Dec 24, 2024

 Imagine if every successful tutor waited until they had a large audience before they began creating content.

They'd still be waiting!

The truth is, everyone starts with a following of zero.

Unless you were born into a celebrity family, no one knows you exist.

The only way they can know you exist is by adding value and letting them know you are there to help.

Most tutors create an ad for their business that says for people to get started, but people like to hire those they know, like, and trust. At this point, no one knows you exist, so how are they going to get to know and trust you unless you start putting out useful content?


The Benefits of Starting Small

A lot of tutors think that their business is all about them. I see it all the time. When they create a website, they put who they are, where they are from, how long they have been teaching or tutoring, what school they went to, and their credentials. The problem is they think that their business is all about them. When you create content, you begin to get out of your own head and realize who your ideal client is. What are they thinking? What matters to them? What are they experiencing with their child? Do you like working with kids like theirs?

Suddenly, the focus shifts entirely off of you and turns to how you can actually help their child. Larger companies have a budget for advertising, so they can put out a so-so ad and get students. The gift that we can give to the world as tutors is the ability to connect with parents and students on a deeper level.

Our greatest asset is that when parents choose to work with us, they get us. If they go with a bigger company, that choice is taken away, and the tutors may change each day based on who is working.

For parents looking for a tutor who can connect with their child and work with them one-on-one instead of in a small group, creating content helps them get to know you and feel comfortable having you work with the most important person in their life.


Starting with Content Creation

Start with the questions that parents are already asking. For example, parents always wonder if their child has dyslexia because their child is struggling with reading. If that's an area where you can help, create content on that topic.

Think about what they are asking right before they want to hire you. To learn more about what type of content to create, watch my 20-minute webinar called "Join the Top 1% of Tutors: How to Get Students from Around the World." In that webinar, I share the four types of content you should be creating.


Overcoming Common Fears

Tutors fear that no one will read their content. In the beginning, this is true. But you are not creating content just for this moment. You are creating content that you can repurpose so that later all you have to do is repurpose your own content. It is unique to you and your business.

I teach tutors how to set up their core content on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and their blog. When tutors join our Insider Secrets Club 3.0 for Online Tutors, we set them up for success with creating this content before they build their website or any other asset online. We take quick-paced baby steps. This allows for momentum with less overwhelm as you learn new skills.


Success Story: Suzanne Davis

Suzanne Davis is an academic writing tutor who works with high school and college students. She was scared to create content in the beginning, thinking, "Who would want to read my stuff?" She found out pretty quickly that not too many people would, at first. Her friends and family didn't have the same interests as her.

In fact, she couldn't even get her brother to read her blog post. But a few short years later, college professors were actually making her blog required reading for their students. Talk about getting your ideal client!

She had never networked with these professors; they didn't know her personally. They just loved the content she created because it added so much value. That led to students from those classes contacting her.

She started out thinking, "Who would read my content?" to being honored by professors who not only read it but also made their students read it as well.

Listen to more of Suzanne's story below.



Practical Tips for Getting Started

Join a community that writes together. That is exactly what we do in the Insider Secrets Club 3.0. We have coworking calls where we work on our content, provide feedback to each other, and encourage each other every step of the way. This support system makes the content creation process less daunting and more enjoyable.

Don’t let the myth that you need a large audience before creating content hold you back.

Start small, focus on the questions and needs of your ideal clients, and watch as your audience grows.

Remember, everyone starts with zero followers, but by consistently adding value and engaging with your audience, you can build a successful tutoring business that stands out.


Want to learn how to get students for your tutoring business?

Download 50 + Ways to Get Online Tutoring Students.