Business in a Box for Online Tutors


Get all the templates you need in order to Onboard your Online Tutoring Students and Run your Business

What you'll get:

  • ✔ Welcome Letter:  This will start off your journey with parent by setting the expectations.  Being clear right from the beginning will make you feel less frustrated.

    ✔  Payment Agreement form/contract: It's good to let people know how you take payments and when the client will be charged.

    ✔  Zoom for parents cheatsheet so that they know exactly how to work through any technological glitches they may encounter.

    ✔  Income/expense tracker so that when it comes to taxes, everything is in one place.

    ✔  Weekly lesson planner so that you know exactly what to teach during each session.

    ✔ Permission to videotape sessions in case you ever want to a use a testimonial or a sample session.

    ✔ Student registration form so that you know exactly where each of your students are from.

    ✔ Student inventory so that you can incorporate their interests in your lessons

    ✔  Onboarding checklist so that you remember to send all of the important documents to your clients when they are getting started.

    ✔ Initial Consulation Quck Guide that leads to the next step.

    ✔ Free Assessment Quick Guide that will allow you to share the data you have learned about the student and collect more data from the parent.

    ✔ Sales Conversation Quick Guide so that when you get a lead you can turn them into a tutoring client.

    ✔ One page business plan so that you can really plan out your business professionally instead of like a hobby.

    ✔  Tutor qualifications and Teaching Style so each of your clients feel comfortable hiring you as their tutor.

    ✔ Student at a Glance so that you can remember who they are and what you are specifically focusing on

    ✔  Invoice template so that all you have to do is enter in their information and send it to them.