4 Simple But Critical Tweaks to Turn Followers into Fans on Instagram

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Join Rock the Gram Today!

Hey Tutors: Does consistently booking clients from Instagram feel like an unachievable pipe dream? Read on…

Create a Killer Instagram Presence that Helps You Attract Clients & Sell – Nothing Spammy Required!

Don’t sleep on the power of Instagram for another month–or year! It’s time to learn how to work the world’s favorite visual platform to attract clients and make sales.

Hi tutorpreneur,

If you’re here it’s because you know without a doubt that you do work that can legitimately transform your students’ lives.

You also know you are not reaching nearly enough people. (In fact, you’re barely scratching the surface of the impact you want to make.)

And you also also know that Instagram is ripe with opportunity for people like you who are great at teaching.

Yet, unfortunately…

– You’re not a visual person (or don’t think you are) and are constantly comparing your own attempts at IG photos to those of the  IG Influencers (and obviously coming up short)

  • You don’t truly know what to say in your captions. You can write (sometimes), but when it comes to writing to get students…you’re stumped.
  • You feel like Instagram has so many features with so many different nuts & bolts you don’t even know where to start or what to focus on first
  • You’re terrified (or just super not confident) when it comes to video and there seems to be a lot of that happening on Instagram
  • You’re not sure how to build community or connection through Instagram (even if you’ve been able to do it on Facebook or another platform–it feels different!)

Sound about right?

If you think maybe you’ve already missed the Instagram boat (or should jump ship if you’ve already given it a go with no success)….I have a juicy secret for you:

Nobody’s Born an Instagram Influencer or Social Media Rockstar!

(Even if it seems that way.)

Let’s be honest: Instagram might seem like a totally different ball game than Facebook or blogging or whatever it is you’re currently doing to market your tutoring biz.

You know it’s a highly visual platform packed with it owns features, and little-known hacks. (Like, what even are hashtags?)

But the truth is, it’s not as complicated as you might think.

Instagram is a social media platform just like any other social media platform, which means that while it has its’ own unique nuances–it’s still a skill you can learn.

Just think about it: Instagram gives you FREE access to 100+ million users and counting. And thanks to its multiple features, it also gives you the ability to build your know, like and trust factor faster than on almost any other platform.

And guess what? When people know, like and trust you and your brand, they hire you.

Don’t you think that’s worth the time & effort? (I’m gonna guess you’re shaking your head yes!)

Well, if you truly have the desire to learn the ins & outs of Instagram for business, good news:

It’s 100% Possible for YOU to Learn How to Use Instagram Like a Pro!

YES, even if right now…

You’re not a “selfie” person.

You don't know a thing about writing enticing captions that get people excited about your work (and reaching out to you in droves in your DMs).

You’re already on the ‘Gram and have near-nightly breakdowns over what to post (or how the heck to respond when you do get a measly comment here or there).

And even if the only “Instagram presence” you have is inside Planoly or Later (which you barely know how to use).

Because whether you don’t know where to start or you’re unsure where to go next, either way, I’ve got you.


Rock the Gram:  How to Use Instagram to Get Seen & Get Students!

In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about booking paying students from Instagram–from putting together a polished, professional feed to exploding your engagement.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create a well-branded feed that looks & feels like you and attracts clients, too
  • Write captions that captivate and inspire action–without giving up your unique personality or voice
  • Use Instagram’s unique features–including Stories and Reels–to create engaging content that turns browsers into buyers
  • Engage on Instagram the right way–and cultivate genuine connection between you & your followers

What exactly will you learn? Here’s a look at all the goods included in this 4 lesson, self-paced course…

Lesson 1: Create a Cohesive Feed That’s Irresistible to Ideal Clients

It’s no secret Instagram is a highly-visual platform, which means the first step is learning how to “look the part.” Lesson 1 will teach you how to brand yourself, put together a cohesive and fascinating-to-look-at feed and come up with a consistent IG strategy that breeds trust and eventually, sales.

Lesson 1 will dig into…

  • The 6 areas you need to focus on to create a rock-solid & consistent Instagram presence–and a feed that people love to feast their eyes on.
  • The most crucial part of your Instagram strategy–this can TRULY make or break your success.
  • How to quickly & easily develop a recognizable, signature look & style–so people see your posts & already know they belong to you (and only you!)
  • The hottest image editing apps for achieving the look you’re after–plus a look at the ultimate Instagram feed “DONT’s”
  • Deciding what, when and how to post content–so it always reaches the right audience, at the right time.

Lesson 2:  Turn Lukewarm Followers into Raving Fans with Action-Inspiring Content

While a fabulous feed can capture someone’s attention, captions are what will keep it–and keep them coming back. Lesson 2 will teach you how to whip up compelling captions so you can inspire action with your content & turn any eyeballs that land on your IG into actual paying clients.

Lesson 2 covers…

  • The “hottest” piece of real estate on your Instagram profile–and how to effectively optimize every inch of it so more people see your stuff.
  • How to pack your posts with personality & your unique voice–and why that matters WAY more than you might think.
  • The one thing most tutorpreneurs forget to put in their posts that makes their posts “flop” and their followers go radio-silent (just make this one NO-BRAINER tweak & watch your IG efforts explode!)
  • How to know exactly what to write in your captions so they’re crazy-fun for you & super valuable for your ideal clients.

Lesson 3: Draw in Dream Clients with Personality & Value-Packed Stories and Reels

Want your followers to feel more connected to you, quickly? Video is the way to go. Lesson 3 dives deep into Instagram’s in-app, video-based features–Stories and Reels–and covers everything from what they are to how to use them to bring in new leads & make sales every single day (even if you’re NOT a “video person”).

Lesson 3 digs into…

  • What Reels and Stories actually are–and why even “camera shy” tutors can thrive using them.
  • How to decide what to share to Stories and Reels –plus an insider’s look at how to create your own simple, sales-boosting strategy for these features.
  • The most compelling types of content you NEED to share on Stories to get seen and get clients–and what you definitely SHOULDN’T.
  • How to rock Reels right out of the gate–without creating crazy amounts of new content.

Lesson 4: Use Enticing Hashtags & Comments to Reach Thousands & Explode Your Engagement

Congrats! You’re all set up on Instagram and creating killer content (even videos!). Now what? It’s time to increase your reach & engagement so people actually see the creative & inspiring stuff you’re putting out into the world. Lesson 4 will break down the most powerful Instagram engagement techniques and teach you exactly how to implement them in your own biz–including the oh-so-confusing game of hashtags. #YESPLEASE

In lesson 4, we’ll cover…

  • The ONLY numbers you need to know to 10x the amount of eyeballs on your IG–including the perfect number of hashtags to include in your posts (and everywhere else!).
  • Why popular hashtags are a total engagement-killer–and how to effectively craft your own unique hashtag strategy that WORKS.
  • How to avoid the dreaded shadow ban–and avoid looking spammy while using hashtags.
  • Other fun and overlooked ways to utilize hashtags beyond plopping them on your posts–(these techniques are GAME-CHANGERS!)
  • Why comments are basically Instagram gold–plus how to leverage your own for more exposure.
  • Exactly what to say in your comments and how to continue the conversation in a natural way –so you cultivate genuine connections with your audience!
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Ready to Stop Thinking About Booking Consistent Students on Instagram and Start Doing It–Today?

Listen, I know putting yourself out there on a new platform –or pouring energy into a platform you’ve neglected for months or years–is scary.

What if it doesn’t work?
What if nobody cares what you have to say?
What if you’re just not attractive or smart enough?

Well, while your fears might feel very real, here’s the deal: most things work…if you work them.

And this course will give you every single tool, technique and strategy you need to work your Instagram the way the pros do.

Just imagine…

  • Effortlessly (and confidently) creating on-brand images, video and captions that are irresistible to clients-to-be
  • Building genuine connections and bringing in new leads everyday through your content & conversations
  • Waking up to prospects in your DMs asking how they can work with you and/or snapping up your digital products–without the constant hustling!
  • Sharing your true message, valuable expertise and authentic expression on social media

It’s possible.

Buy Now

Now, I’ll be honest with you: This course isn’t for you if you’re looking to become Instagram-famous in a couple days. This also isn’t about helping you amass thousands of fake followers (or even non-ideal followers) overnight.

What it is about is helping you strategically share the expertise you already possess with more people by leveraging one of the Internet’s most powerful FREE marketing tools.

(Because let’s be real: While shiny, new social media platforms seem to hit the scene everyday, Instagram has made its mark and it’s clearly not going anywhere.)

You don’t have to watch from the sidelines anymore.

Once you nail the basics (which aren’t so complicated when you see them in black & white, broken down), you, too can quickly & easily tap into the platform’s true (read: endless) potential.

Let me show you how to stop playing around on Instagram–and start turning it into a lead and profit-generating machine for your beautiful, world-changing business.

Joanne Kaminski

P.S. This course is backed by my 100% guarantee. If you feel it does not help you in any way to build a better, more satisfying tutoring business, simply email me for a fast, courteous refund.

Click here to register today. You have nothing to lose.