Apply Now for Free Coaching

Are you ready to Level up Your Tutoring Business?
Let me get you there.

We are accepting applications to feature tutors who want free coaching to level up their tutoring business and help other tutors grow by featuring you on our livestream inside of the Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors.

Apply now for free coaching

Increase your profit

Decrease your expenses

Delegate your workload

Benefits from the Coaching

Get personalized advice to grow their tutoring business, strategies to increase your students, and tips to improve your online presence.


Personalized Advice to Grow your Tutoring Business 

Using a checklist we will figure out where the holes are in your business so you can get better results.


Strategies to Increase Your Student Base 

You'll identify which strategies have worked to get students and identify additional strategies to get more.


Tips to Improve Your Online Presence  

You'll get a free audit to determine where you are at with your online presence and one thing you can do to improve it, so more students convert.

14 Years ago I was in your shoes, navigating the complexities of building a tutoring business from the ground up.

I understand the drive to expand your reach, enhance your teaching impact, and ultimately, transform your passion for education into a thriving, rewarding career.

Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of guiding over 200 dedicated tutors, just like you, to achieve remarkable growth.

Together, we've unlocked new opportunities, improved engagement strategies, and significantly increased their income.

My journey has not only been about overcoming challenges but also about discovering the power of effective mentorship and the right support network."

Securing Steady Student Flow 

Determining the Right Pricing

Managing Multiple Business Roles 

Streamlining with Automation Systems 

Here's How it Works 

Complete the application 

Start by filling out the application form in full detail. Make sure to provide all the requested information to increase your chances of being selected.

Confirm Your Email 

After submitting your application, check your inbox for a confirmation email from us. Click the link to confirm your email address. This ensures we can reach out to you if you're chosen.

Await Selection Notification 


If selected, you'll receive an email or text message with details on how to join the livestream coaching session. Remember, each week, we select two tutors for this exclusive opportunity.

Click here to apply for free coaching

This Journey Can Feel Isolating 

Making more money is possible no matter what stage you are at. 


Imagine a reality where students are drawn to you, where your pricing reflects the true value you provide, where managing your business becomes a streamlined process, not a burden, and where automation tools work for you, creating more time for what you love.

I've walked this path, faced these very obstacles, and emerged with a system that transformed my tutoring business and life. Through my program, you'll learn how to attract the right students, price your services for success, effectively manage your roles, and implement systems that automate your workflow. This isn't just about finding temporary fixes; it's about equipping you with a framework for sustained growth and fulfillment.

My name is Joanne Kaminski and I have experienced the transformation firsthand, I'm here not just to teach you but to guide you through each step, ensuring you emerge with a tutoring business that's not only profitable but also rewarding and aligned with your vision. Together, we'll turn your current challenges into stepping stones toward the tutoring business you've always envisioned.


Complete the Application

Linda Rumpf

In 2023, I joined Joanne's Insider Secrets Club, her main program for helping tutors increase revenue through online visibility and where she provides coaching for best practices within the online tutoring industry. Last year in February, I made $2,722 in my tutoring business. Within the first three weeks of February 2024 (one year after joining Joanne's community), at the current date of this writing, I have made 9,309 so far for the month. This income gain directly represents the benefit of her coaching program. It works!

Submit Application to be featured on Livestream and get free coaching.