Let's Plant Some Trees

Join our initiative to decrease our carbon footprint on the world by planting 1,000 trees.

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Last Day to sign Up for the Great Green Tutor Masterclass

It's gonna be epic. Will you be joining us?









During the Great Green Masterclass, you will learn...

  • Week 1: How to Change Your Internet Habits and Actions to Reduce your Carbon Footprint.

    Week 2: How to Go Paperless with Green Freebies and Virtual Business Cards and Look at Paperless Solutions.

    Week 3: How to Promote Your Green Tutoring Business (without Green-washing or seeming salesy).

    Week 4:  Environment and Climate Change Resources You Can Combine With Lessons

    Week 5:  How to  Combine Your Tutoring Niche with Lessons on the Environment (even if you don’t teach science).

    Week 6:  How You Will Teach Your Students About the Environment!

What are you waiting for?

Join us to start decreasing carbon dioxide and making a global difference.  

Sign Up Now