May 17th -19th 

A free 3-day event to help you go from no online presence to well known tutor.


Watch the video below to learn how this FREE event will help you get more students from around the world. 


Meet the Speakers

Check out the incredible lineup of Online Tutoring and Marketing experts you'll learn from at the Get More Students Summit!

Day 1: Social Media Mastery

Turn your Feed into a Student Getting Magnet  

Full Scope Freelancer Event Sponsor

Thank you to Full Scope Freelancer for sponsoring Day 1.

Joanne Kaminski
Boost Enrollment Now: 3 Proven Tips to Dramatically Increase Student Sign-Ups for Your Tutoring Services!

Angela D'Antonio 

The LinkedIn Advantage: Insider Tips to Supercharge Your Success




Natalie Chama 
How To Be Consistent And Attract The Right Clients Using Facebook Lives




Chris (Teacher Champion)

How to Turn Social Media Followers into Paying Students Without Having to Learn Fancy New Lingo 

Ben Gallagher 

The Exact Blueprint that Tutors are using to Build their Online Presence using Joanne's Templates

Susan Grimes 

Making an IMPACT for In-Person Events


Jessica Pezold

How to Use YouTube to Attract Daytime Homeschooling Students


Day 2: Grow Your Tutoring Circle

Secrets to Building Strong Referral Networks

Tim Gascoigne 

5 Referral Boosting Strategies to Reach More Students



Clarissa Constantine 
Your Network is Your Net Worth; Grow Your Network, Grow Your Net Worth


Sean McCormick
Getting Referrals from Neuropsych Evaluators



Sharon Canaday 
Helping Students Pay for Tutoring Services with Scholarships like ESA


Joanne Kaminski 

From Overlooked to Fully Booked: 3 C's to Tripling your Tutoring Income in 2024

Edward Coronado III 

How to Create Simple Outreach Videos Guaranteed to Supercharge Your Business

Day 3: Tutor Well-being

Nurture Your Passion, Grow Your Practice: Well-being Strategies for Thriving Tutors

Jam Anderson 
AI Made Easy: Implementing Simple AI Solutions for Big Business Impact



Georgina Green 

Top 3 Tips for Building Passive Income in your Tuition Business


Arthur Moore

Asking Great Questions to Your Students




Carrie Bach

Repurposing Content: How to Turn One Idea into Five or More Pieces of Online Content


Kelly Anthony 

The Write Balance: Cultivating Tutor Well-being through Expressive Writing

Sheryl Uehling

Using Google Classroom for Better Organization


As you can see from these amazing value-packed presentations, this is an event you do not want to miss. Click below to grab your free ticket and join us for the Get More Students Summit!


Getting more students takes a whole lot more than just posting on social media you can tutor kids in the area you teach.

You’re getting a lot of things right:

  • You’re talking to people about your tutoring business
  • You're talking to other tutors
  • And you're joining Facebook groups where your ideal parent is


You feel like you have to be on every single social media platform and have everything perfect.

Maybe right now you…

Feel frustrated with everything you need to learn.

Think the online tutoring market is oversaturated.

Think people don't value tutoring and aren't willing to pay what you are worth.

Feel like everyone is 10 steps ahead of you and wonder if you are too late.

Wonder if it is sustainable to replace your income with your love of tutoring.

There has got to be a better way!


You dream of finding a way to get more students that’s doable with your hectic schedule, and actually works.

How would it feel to…




This is exactly what you’ll experience at the Get More Students Summit @ IMPACT 6!

During the Get More Students Summit  you'll learn how to create a sustainable tutoring business making 5K to 10K a month without burnout and less overwhelm

Join us for the "Get More Students Summit", to learn from 20+ Online Tutoring experts about marketing your tutoring business so you can get found, hired, and referred. 



Hello, I'm Joanne Kaminski, an enthusiastic online reading tutor and a dedicated business coach for fellow tutors. Since 2012, I've been on a mission: to help tutors transition their skills into the online space, empowering them to replace their traditional income sources with more flexible, impactful online tutoring opportunities.

My YouTube channel has over 1.5 million views and my free online community the Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors on Facebook has over 13,600 members.

I'm also the proud author of over 10 books, with my latest work, "The Tutors' Manifesto".

I know the challenges and triumphs of being a tutor in today's digital age. My experience has taught me the importance of adaptability, continuous learning, and the power of a supportive community. I'm excited to share what I've learned in my 10+ years of supporting online tutors and help you get more students during this 5th bi-annual event exclusively for tutors like you.

Click below to grab your free ticket and join us for the SUMMIT!!


What to expect at the Get More Students Summit

When and Where

The Get More Students Summit will run from May 17th - 19th with a variety of presentations to choose from each day. This event is entirely virtual, so you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access. 

Expert Sessions

Attend presentations from our lineup fo 20+ speakers with trainings on branding and social media.  Your free ticket includes 24 hour access to each presentation during the week of the summit.

Private Summit Community

Join us in a free group on Facebook to continue the conversation and network with other online tutors.

Chances to Win

During the event you can win coaching sessions, books, mugs, and so much more.


I am dedicated to helping you get more students and making the process as easy as possible. To help, you’ll hear about my Insider Secrets Club 3.0 for Online Tutors Community here and there throughout the event. 


On the final day, one lucky (and engaged) attendee will be selected to win a full scholarship and have instant access to the Insider Secrets Club 3.0 for one full year to make GETTING STUDENTS EASY.


Stay tuned for details and your chance to apply!

Upgrade for a VIP Experience!

Before the event you can upgrade to get lifetime access to the presentations along with 

  • Early access to view sessions
  • Interactive workshops
  • Networking pre-party
  • Ebook of all the presentations in one place
  • Q + A sessions with speakers
  • and more...

The Get More Students Summit is exclusively for tutors who are determined to grow their student base now.

Time is of the essence in the competitive world of online tutoring, and this summit offers you the timely solutions you need to help you stand out and fill all your desired hours with students.


This isn't your typical tutoring conference. At the Get More Students Summit @ IMPACT 5 you'll find live, interactive sessions specifically focused on the one goal that matters most to you: attracting more students. Say goodbye to generic advice and hello to strategies that actually work.


Dive into sessions that deliver ultra-specific strategies, from designing flyers that grab attention instantly to mastering search engine optimization for your tutoring services. Our summit is tailored to give you the exact tools you need for both immediate and long-term student acquisition success.


Beyond just a learning experience, the 'Get More Students Summit' equips you with a concrete marketing plan tailored to your tutoring business. You won't be left with just ideas to figure out how to implement on your own, but with a roadmap and support system to ensure real, measurable growth in your student base.

The Get More Students Summit is Specifically Designed for

Online Tutors Focused on Acquiring Students and Learning Marketing Strategies

Throughout the summit, you'll be immersed in sessions that specifically cover:

  • Effective Student Acquisition Techniques: Learn proven strategies for attracting and retaining students in the online space. Explore how to create a compelling online presence that resonates with your target audience.

  • Marketing Strategies for Tutors: Delve into the world of digital marketing tailored for online tutoring. Understand how to use social media, content marketing, and other digital tools to reach a wider audience and convert prospects into students.

  • Building a Strong Online Brand: Discover the key elements of building a powerful online brand as a tutor or educator. Learn how to differentiate yourself in a competitive market and establish trust with potential students and their families.

  • Networking with Marketing Experts: Connect with marketing professionals and successful online tutors who have mastered the art of online student acquisition. Gain insights from their experiences and learn from their successes and challenges.

  • Practical Workshops and Case Studies: Participate in hands-on workshops and analyze real-life case studies that demonstrate effective marketing and student acquisition strategies in action.

This summit isn't just about sharing knowledge; it's about equipping you with the tools and strategies you need to thrive in the online tutoring world. Whether you're looking to increase your student base, enhance your marketing skills, or simply gain a competitive edge, this event is your gateway to success in the digital education arena. Join us and transform your online tutoring career!

Here's what some past attendees have had to say!

Real tutors share their experience with attending past IMPACT Summits.  Find out what they enjoyed the most.


You're ready to experience real, sustainable growth for your online tutoring business making 5K to 10K a month.

It’s time to finally learn exactly how to get your desired amount of students so that you can have more freedom and flexibility doing what you love.  

Grab your free ticket by clicking the link below and join us for the Get More Students Summit @IMPACT 5!





It is finally time to build your online presence and become a well-known tutor.