How To Know If Your Student Has Dyslexia
Even if they have never been tested.
What does dyslexia look like? In this workbook you will learn:
- 5 Quickest Ways to Spot dyslexics
- The major difference between phonemic awareness and phonics and how it affects dyslexics.
- Warning: Beginning readers can look like dyslexics. This ONE trick will help you know the difference.
Want help with determining if dyslexia could be holding back your student's success in reading? Download the free workbook to learn the strengths dyslexics have, weaknesses, and more:
From a young age, I struggled with reading. I overcame my difficulties in high school and college. As I entered the school system only 30% of my students in the inner city could read on grade level. This began my passion for learning everything I possibly could to help my students become proficient readers.
Every kid who struggles with reading dreams of reading chapter books like the other kids. They feel embarrassed not reading the same things as the other kids or being pulled out and made to feel different.
These kids desire to read like everyone else. When you take the time to figure out if dyslexia is part of the problem, you begin to immediately know how to meet their needs. You do not need to put the student through a 2-3 year program.
Not all dyslexics learn the same way or have exactly the same problems. By understanding the specific type of dyslexic you are working with, you need to identify they gaps.
You do not need to go back to school to discover how to work with these kids or get another degree. You need to understand the science of teaching reading and how research over the years has figured out exactly what works and what doesn't.
All kids can learn to read, even dyslexics!
Download the Free WorkbookLearn how to spot dyslexia
With this free download.