Discover the Secrets to Earning Thousands Monthly with an Online Presence!

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Sign up for our free 30-minute masterclass where we’ll share awesome tips to help you attract more students and shine online. Just type in your name and email, and you’re in – we can’t wait to see you there!

Why Watch This Webinar?

  • Break Through Writer’s Block: Learn exactly what content to create so that you can get found online and families want to hire you.
  • Maximize Social Media Visibility: Discover how to play the social media game for maximum reach, even if you don’t have a lot of followers yet.
  • Convert Viewers to Clients: Master the art of creating a content funnel that guides people from discovering you to hiring you.

Hi, I'm

Joanne Kaminski

With a passion for helping tutors excel, I have amassed over 1 million watch time hours on my YouTube channel and grown a thriving Facebook community called the Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors with over 14,000 members.

Despite starting with zero online presence, I have attracted students from around the globe, including Australia, Canada, the UK, Peru, and Japan, without spending a dime on advertising. My content strategy focuses on answering the top questions parents have, addressing common myths, and sharing powerful success stories.

Join this masterclass to see my exact process.


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